At home and abroad, our Advisors help navigate a world of risk & opportunity.

At Massey, you get a team with experience in doing business abroad and who understand the nuances of international business diplomacy. Our team brings decades of real-life experience in trade & commerce, defence & government procurement, government relations, law, regulatory compliance, intelligence, aerospace, healthcare, and understanding geopolitical risk factors. Meet the team:


Massey Advisory’s earned relationships with senior government and military decision makers means. Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

Defence, Security & Aerospace Sectors

Clients in the defence, security and intelligence space need to have advocates in the right places at the right time. Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

United Arab Emirates

Doing business in the UAE requires deep seeded connections and a regular prepsence on the ground. Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is a powerhouse. If you are doing business in the Kingdom, you need advisors to point you in the right direction and connect to the ‘real’ decision makers. Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

Middle East and North Africa

Whether it is Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Morrocca, Algeria, Oman, Lebanon, or Iraq, doing business in the Middle East and North Africa requires someone who has the contacts and access to key decision makers. Presence is also key. Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

Influencing Decision Makers

Dealing with Governments and agencies can be frustrating. What are public policy decision makers thinking? Will a procurement contract or tender be issued? Why is a law being changed? How can I sell my goods? Massey Advisory can help. Let’s be globally minded together.

Our Services

Strategic Advice & Business Development

Whether accessing a new market, approaching a government to shape policy, or purchasing decisions, or, managing an emerging issue - before you ‘act', you need a plan.

We first look at the desired outcome and work backwards to design a thoughtful strategy. Who is the ‘real decision maker’ versus the influencer? Are there human or corporate intelligence assets that can help shape our plan and pivot-points? Are there personal or professional connections that can be intermediaries? Are there potential partners in domestic or global markets that should be engaged?

Our approach recognizes that each client's needs are unique and our plans are savvy, nuanced and thoughtfully designed .

Deal Structures & Planning

Sometimes a simple business deal isn’t so simple. Sometimes a client needs a creative solution to get a deal across the finish line.

Understanding the motive, culture and needs of the other side can make or break a deal, we guide our clients on the best approach on how deals can be structured in various markets to ensure they are proper, ethical & beneficial to all involved.

Crisis & Issues Management

When a crisis occurs or a deal goes sideways - money, reputation and even lives may be at risk. Time is of the essence.

From reputational crises to operational disruptions, we stand ready to provide objective quickly and efficiently, clear & thoughtful advice to navigate them through a situation to mitigate the impact of a crisis & to emerge stronger and more resilient.

Government Relations & Public Policy Thought Leadership

Our clients often need governments or agencies to adjust policies, change laws or make procurement or other decisions to get a deal done or to be allowed.

Navigating the public policy and government decision-making process is complex & frustrating.

Our team offers lobbying & government relations services domestically & abroad to help clients ethically and properly engage, inform & influence policymakers & key stakeholders.

We also offer thought leadership advice and support. Our clients retain us to look at emerging public policy debates and then position them to influence government decisions. Our goal is to position our client as a thought leader on an emerging issue so that they become the expert others approach to influence change.

Geo-Political Risk & Market Analysis

It is worth your time, money and risk to enter a new market? Chase after a government contract? Or accept a deal?

You need to read the tea leaves or get an objective and independent ‘gut-check’. That’s what we do.

Some of our clients do business where the risk of geopolitics is a factor. Others do business when political decision makers need to be involved.

Both scenarios require an accurate reading of political risk & a blunt assessment of the time and money that may need to be involved to achieve your desired outcome. Given the experience of our team, we offer this high-value and blunt advice to clients to help them assess and mitigate political and business and also on how to properly and ethically structure & execute deals.

Corporate Intelligence

Never make a move without good intel.

Information about decision makers, your competitors, potential partners & the nuance of the markets into which you are entering is critical to business.

Our team’s experience helps clients make good decisions, mitigate risk & identify opportunity by offering analysis and reporting to position clients for a competitive advantage & achieving their strategic goals.

On the Ground Presence & Business Diplomacy

Sometimes opportunity exists where clients can’t go but an on-the-ground presence is necessary to get a deal done.

Some clients neglect business relationships and need an intermediary to patch things up.

Some clients see a perfect opportunity but don’t have the business or political inroads to get it and need a guide-by-the-side.

Having operated, worked, and lived in hostile or high-risk environments and in high-stakes political/diplomatic settings, our team is no stranger to these dynamics. Our team can deploy into new or high-risk environments acting as your agents while obtaining critical intel, communicating important messages, finalizing deals & offering insight & guidance in challenging situations.

Agent & Brokerage Service

Intermediaries are often required to do international business in challenging places or where industrial offsets require a middle-player.

Our team has acted as agents for several clients representing them on the ground concluding deals, negotiating contracts & managing issues.

Our team also acts as brokers where we act for clients as a structured intermediary to facilitate sales & conclude deals.

Legal Advice & Dispute resolution

Our affiliated legal team at Massey LLP aren’t your typical lawyers.

Laws and deals differ around the world & to get a deal done, we offer our clients access to an integrated legal team to help get deals done. If a deal goes awry, then the legal team can provide efficient mediation support to get the deal back on track, or litigate the matter if need be.

* Under a distinct legal retainer through the law firm Massey LLP

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